The German Environmental Award 2021...
goes to peatland scientist Hans Joosten!
27/8/2021 This year, the German Federal Environmental Foundation for the Environment (DBU) is honouring peatland scientist Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.. Hans Joosten with the German Environmental Award, one of the most highly endowed awards of its kind in Europe. Congratulations from the Greifswald Mire Centre!
Joosten himself likes to sum up his decades of research and commitment with #Moormussnass! With character, passion and the occasional morsel of peat, he has contributed to publicising the importance of wet peatlands for global climate protection. Joosten, who describes "everything related to peatlands" as his hobby, shares the prize endowed with 500,000 Euros with the internationally renowned scientist Prof. Dr. Katrin Böhning-Gaese. Both will be awarded the prize by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on 10th October in Darmstadt. Joosten intends to use the prize money to expand the peatland library PeNCIL - the world's largest peatland library with around 25,000 publications based at the Greifswald Mire Centre - into a global knowledge and cultural centre on peatlands.